Project One
The Montessori School of Englewood
Depave Chicago and The Montessori School of Englewood (TMSOE) are working together to undertake a 10,000SF depave project on TMSOE’s South Side campus. TMSOE, a non-profit charter school of 350 K-8th grade students, teaches the Montessori method of child-centered education and hands-on learning, with a focus on empowerment and creating the next generation of leaders in Chicago and beyond. With a focus on environmental justice and climate adaptation, TMSOE has long desired to remove the asphalt to transform the site into a living, environmental education, and community gathering space. In Spring 2023, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders along with their teachers, parents, and board members collaborated with Depave Chicago to develop a Vision Plan for the green schoolyard. The design includes butterfly and pollinator gardens, an outdoor classroom, an art-making space, nature-play areas with low-berms and log structures, a remembrance garden, a rainwater celebration and bio-infiltration feature, and lots of shade trees. Now with that design in hand, our team is working with CPS, Indigo Ecological Design, and Geosyntec to bring that vision into reality. We can’t wait to tear up the asphalt.
Please check back for updates!
TMSOE Steering Committee:
Kiesha Dunn, Outreach and Programs Coordinator
Maggie Mikuzis, Director of Operations
Rita Nolan, Executive Director
Cal Barksdale, Fundraising
TMSOE Creative Working Group: Candace Rogers, Ebonie Townsend, Vicky Coleman-Cox, Jonathan Howell, Lynetta Denson, Vicki Bowens, Tina Rush, Caleb Wagner, and students: Kahmani Hester, Armani McLaurin, Alexander Jones, Brandon Littleton, Melany Renderos, Jade Nutall, Jazmynn Thomas, Leah White, Asia Starling, Trinity Crockett, and Ceonna Black.
Consulting Partners:
Katya Reyna, Co-Director, Depave, Portland, Oregon: Ted Labbe, Co-Director, Depave, Portland, Oregon; Stacey Libra, Indigo Ecological Design, Landscape Architect; Jenna Andresen, Indigo Ecological Design, Landscape Architect; Rebecca Helfrich, Geosyntec, Civil Engineer; Lee Hauser, Geosyntec, Civil Engineer
Depave Chicago
Mary Pat McGuire, Vidhan Goel, Sierra Chmela, Julien Gundry
Dates: 2023-2024
Funders: The Walder Foundation, individual donors